Goddamn Chicago children beating the living shit out of people. Look, I don’t like them, I don’t believe in more than 2 genders, but violence is just giving the news what they want. The more oppressed they look, the more people feel sorry.
JohnSmithingTable W
• ReplyIts_Eclipse_Fur_Real W
• ReplySnackinonsnacks I'm all for punishing pedophiles, but beating them up is not the best answer
• ReplyGGMan05 Bro there’s only two genders and a trans woman can never be a man I think the people that are trans are mental
• Replywvwiayevbrtoucbsve Hate the sin, not the sinner.
• ReplyPancakes_withextracheese Goddamn Chicago children beating the living shit out of people. Look, I don’t like them, I don’t believe in more than 2 genders, but violence is just giving the news what they want. The more oppressed they look, the more people feel sorry.
• ReplyI_am_inevitable69 Now that is what I call a generation W
• ReplyThatBasilisk Childrenwaffen 😭
• ReplyTrollimar W. I wouldn’t trust them near kids either.
• Replywvwiayevbrtoucbsve That isn’t a god move, that’s just assault and battery.
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