I'm not dead neither did i quit, i was just taking a break cuz honestly i used to get stressed on how much i post per day. second i dont really like what this app has become, a lot of people have been quiting and the amount of drama that has been happening plus the meme editor IS SO FUCKING BAD like i can't even insert just text neither can i crop or change layout like basically without "memes pro" u cant do shit. I might get back to posting soon but this time I'll be posting what i want to post whether its opinions, sharing something i like to do, or just memes...what I'm saying is that I won't take posting as seriously as i used to take it before so i might post 4-6 posts per day or something and uh yeah thank u for reading this I shall get back to posting soon

betttt ngl they do suck
• ReplyDead_legend He is right though you can’t do shit!!! If the damn creator can see this they better fix this or your going to see more then this guy leaving
• ReplyExtremememer You are absolutely 100% right
• Replyswooshlmao This emoji is a monster: :)) you can’t unsee it now
• ReplyRavenclaw15 And this us the problem with bein a "popular" memer isnt it? I dont GET it but I uk get it lol
• ReplyOoyy You da best, we’ll be waiting
• ReplyChildProof yeah true, you don’t have to post as must as you used too also THE UPDATE SUCKS
• Replymorgal Yeah!, This is true.... This meme app has become fucking shit !!.we cant do anything without the pro version
• ReplyMRlonghorn #bringoldmemesback
• ReplyZombieMiner23 Yes I hate this meme editor is so bad, I hope the people or person who runs this app is reading this and will reconsider the update. If your reading this, then why don’t you go on about spreading the word to MEMES and everyone. Come on, let’s make MEMES great again!!!
• ReplyKoolAidz123 Yea I quit for a long time to and I can’t do anything and you just need memes pro like you said but I hope they can make it better cya!
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan :)
• ReplyCallMeAdrian Well at least you’re coming back
• ReplyChris You can add text only memes with frame 1 option
• Reply