a9.ahmad Animals: He's too dangerous to be kept alive
Yiexist Gus Johnson let’s go
ash5162000 When you kill the last person and this music comes on
Commanewism_real Poachers when they need money
Shikomauru_Senpai Gus Johnson!!!
WhoElseButDanielYT oooh that hurt
Comrade_cornchip Gus Johnson
DarthBean48 Jus gohnson
THE_RUSSIAN_SPY Explosive rounds
CountSwagula Obviously self preservation so it’s justified
a9.ahmad Animals: He's too dangerous to be kept alive
• ReplyYiexist Gus Johnson let’s go
• Replyash5162000 When you kill the last person and this music comes on
• ReplyCommanewism_real Poachers when they need money
• ReplyShikomauru_Senpai Gus Johnson!!!
• ReplyWhoElseButDanielYT oooh that hurt
• ReplyComrade_cornchip Gus Johnson
• ReplyDarthBean48 Jus gohnson
• ReplyTHE_RUSSIAN_SPY Explosive rounds
• ReplyCountSwagula Obviously self preservation so it’s justified
• Reply