Fr what\u2019s happening?
beeschurgerX let's just hope that he was either doing it as a joke or was drunk. either way, i'm not picking sides.
STEALT_BLADE @mememaster1ooo okinos friend went from a german fan to simp
Lizzzzzzy Literally nothing all I did was say meow and he started freaking out
T85_Jr It's getting fucking weird
deathkorpscommander She freed me from the confinement of her basement
FishToeJax I have not a clue 😭
beeschurgerX let's just hope that he was either doing it as a joke or was drunk. either way, i'm not picking sides.
• ReplySTEALT_BLADE @mememaster1ooo okinos friend went from a german fan to simp
• ReplyLizzzzzzy Literally nothing all I did was say meow and he started freaking out
• ReplyT85_Jr It's getting fucking weird
• Replydeathkorpscommander She freed me from the confinement of her basement
• ReplyFishToeJax I have not a clue 😭
• Reply