I feel like I already reposted this but
Reposted who_let_da_dog_out
404_NotFound something really sad that happened to you
Purah what’s your ip and social security number and credit card number plus expiry date and 4 numbers on back
hb7xzb9qck How are you today
Jet123 What’s the most pain you had and how did it happen
Lizzzzzzy How gay are u
Uchiha_Anime What’s something stupid you did recently?
Horrorifc Most embarrassing moment
404_NotFound something really sad that happened to you
• ReplyPurah what’s your ip and social security number and credit card number plus expiry date and 4 numbers on back
• Replyhb7xzb9qck How are you today
• ReplyJet123 What’s the most pain you had and how did it happen
• ReplyLizzzzzzy How gay are u
• ReplyUchiha_Anime What’s something stupid you did recently?
• ReplyHorrorifc Most embarrassing moment
• Reply