I never thought in my lifetime that there would be people in America siding with terrorists that beheaded babies, this isn’t a political issue, so stop making it one. Hamas is an extremist terrorist organization, and Israel is a country defending itself. If you are on the left just think about this for a moment, there are people on YOUR side protesting against Israel in this war. Protesting for Hamas, I hope you aren’t siding with terrorists.
Maskedmemer I stand with Israel
• ReplySend_it_master Hamas sucks
• Replynobtches Hamas is like Al-Qaeda, both deserve death
• Replyj7qgggfr7h why you mean I’m not a terrorists☹️☹️☹️😭
• ReplyCocoCurliQ Yes for real
• Reply8zmcgb2pfw Toppat got banned
• ReplySea_salt Both side have issues
• Replycheesybread456 Here’s what needs to happen. Help Israel erase Hamas from the face of the earth. Boom problem solved
• ReplyToppat I completely disagree with you joshua, terrisiom gud
• ReplyToppat H
• ReplyThatBasilisk Thank you.
• ReplyCommanewism_real Facts
• ReplyKingDiamonXDYT New York is being so dumb right now
• ReplyKingDiamonXDYT I’m with you
• ReplyKingDiamonXDYT Bro
• Reply