Whoever is this it could be A: He or She is a pedophile, or B: He or She is an 18 year old whore who is trying to make us see her nudes on the internet. Whoever this motherfucker is, please stop commenting to make us see your nudes some of us are minors that should not be seeing this. And if that is a bot, get rid of this account immediately!! Because not all people have these actual accounts they are fuckin bots that are trying to advertise you to watch or see pornography. Like seriously nobody cares!!!! We don\u2019t give a Fucking rats ass if you are trying!!!!

R0bb I for real think that somebody commented on my post and then it’s this half naked wannabe with daddy issues and a dozen kids in their basement begging to stop getting whipped.
• ReplyCherryTheCherry I actually went through all of my memes and deleted it after I found out I could do it
• ReplyCherryTheCherry I actually made a meme warning people about this
• ReplyCherryTheCherry I hate this 🥷
• ReplybeeschurgerX
• ReplybeeschurgerX she is a bot. she's trying to get money from ai generated nudes, and she should know that it doesn't work on this app
• Reply