Ok as I said I\u2019m gonna talk about my own experiences on this app. This app normalizes hate way too much. I came on this app about 1,5 years ago (god time flies) and I loved it everybody was so nice to me and everyone was cool and I had so many friends that were also posting memes. That these memes were often targeting marginalized groups and talked about killing furries I of course didn\u2019t notice. Also it just normalizes being like:\u201dyeah non binary people don\u2019t exist\u201d which is actually what I thought for a while because it was common on this app. And I\u2019m not saying anyone who was involved was at fault. As I said I did it too because it was normal. They prob also got kind of pushed into it without realizing. That\u2019s what\u2019s been my whole point in this whole thing. It\u2019s not one person at fault it\u2019s a systemic issue on this app

Oops where’d the time go? It’s time for part.3 which I promised a few days ago
Oops where’d the time go? It’s time for part.3 which I promised a few days ago
  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal But if someone like me posted a homophobic meme, he would just not take offense of it, mainly because it's just jokes and I don't actually mean it

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal If someone called him a faggot, we would have his back (also he has discord so easier to communicate there)

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal And what the lgbtq people people don't need recognition on this app. Because they already have rights. Noobs for example

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal They are called offensive memes for a reason

  • NoOneInParticular avatar

    NoOneInParticular i think the reason people posted things like that without it really being noticed is bc people werent wimps who couldnt handle a joke, so people just had a little chuckle and moved on

  • Ellie_1.6 avatar

    Ellie_1.6 U know what they say “time flies by when you’re having fun”

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