There are only two sex chromosones. However, sex is not just one or the other, it is a bimodal distribution, meaning that it has two extreme ends, and everyone falls inbetween. Doctors look at your physical features at birth and society assigns you a gender along with it.
I agree, only two genders. Transgender is just a disability like being born without an arm. It’s a genetical error if you’re born with a shlong and a pair of tats.
Nevergonnagiveyouup___ There are only two sex chromosones. However, sex is not just one or the other, it is a bimodal distribution, meaning that it has two extreme ends, and everyone falls inbetween. Doctors look at your physical features at birth and society assigns you a gender along with it.
• ReplyQueen_Carrion nuh uh
• ReplyEternal_870_thecroissant I agree
• ReplyGoaty_Goaty I agree, only two genders. Transgender is just a disability like being born without an arm. It’s a genetical error if you’re born with a shlong and a pair of tats.
• ReplyGoaty_Goaty Agreed
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